Ningles pasado simple y continuo pdf files

I was talking to ana when you called i was going to but i couldnt you were walking yesterday morning. Ejercicios pasado simple vs pasado continuo o progresivo. Complete the sentences using past simple or continuous 1. Pasado simple pasado continuo ejercicios resueltos. I met meet tom and ann at the airport a few weeks ago. We had have a chat while we were waiting waited wait for our flights. They were working in the garden when it started raining. Pasado simple y pasado continuo en ingles colanguage. Ejercicio con presente simple y continuo y pasado simple y. No sir, i was not talking on my cell phone i was watching a tv show on my ipod past continuous.

They were going go to berlin and i was going go to madrid. Pasado simple y pasado continuo en ingles tiempos verbales. Past simple and past continuous interactive and downloadable. Simple past vs past progressive find the second part of the sentence and write down the whole sentence by putting the verb in brackets into the past continuous or past simple. En espanol equivaldria en similitud a yo estaba andando, nosotros estabamos comiendo. Pasado simple y pasado continuo free download as word doc. Ejercicio 1 selecciona las formas correctas del past simple y tacha las incorrectas. I saw see sue in town yesterday but she was looking look the other way.

You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf. Ejercicio con presente simple y continuo y pasado simple y continuo. Past simple and past continuous ficha interactiva y descargable. Completa las oraciones con pasado simple o continuo.

En este caso tendras oraciones complejas, las cuales usaran dos verbos mezclando dos tiempos verbales. Texto en pasado simple audio by daniel welsch published on 20522t07. Download past simple or past continuous exercises in pdf. Algunas preguntas adems comienzan con una palabra interrogativa como what, when y where. Usos del pasado simple y pasado continuo pasado simple. Past simple and continuous exercises pdf ejercicios ingles online. Hoy vamos a analizar brevemente las peculiaridades del tiempo verbal pasado continuo.