Allan kardec book of spirit 2

The spirits book allan kardec questions 621 to 628. Chapter 3 questions 37 to 49 the spirits book by allan. It contains a complete explanation about life and its foundational aspects. The spirits book is the first and, in a way, most important book by allan kardec, in that it contains the foundations of the entire spiritist system. Allan kardec spirit society of maryland, rockville, md. Prolegomena the spirits book by allan kardec youtube. How allan kardec organized the spirits book and his other books. Kardecpedia belongs to the ideak spiritist divulgation institute allan kardec. A classic of spiritual literature, the spirits book was first published in 1857 in the french language, published by a man using the name allan kardec who had become interested in the phenomena of spirit contact. The book the spirits book among many other spiritist works may be. Talking to heaven by james van praagh the spirits book by allan kardec the. The classic guide to spiritism and the spirit world by kardec, allan, blackwell, anna isbn.

Because they served as the starting point to spiritism. He is the author of the five books known as the spiritist codification, and is the founder of spiritism. But allan kardec was not destined to witness the realisation of the project in. Allan kardec wrote only five spiritist books but these five books serve as the foundation to spiritism, a progressive body of knowledge that has continued to grow to near 1,000 books since kardec first published the spirits book in 1857. Please feel free to share this audio book with friends and loved ones. Allan kardec spirit society of maryland home facebook.

The spirits book, the mediums book, the gospel according to spiritism. The spirits book was the first book spiritism published by allan kardec in 1857, a mere nine years after the fox sisters triggered the spiritual renaissance. Ideak is a nonprofit spiritist association created with the aim of spreading to the world spiritism, according to the thinking and works of allan kardec. It was published by the french educator allan kardec on april 18, 1857. We have also to ask them why it is that spirits come and depart at their own. The spirits book le livre des esprits in original french is part of the spiritist codification, and is regarded as one of the five fundamental works of spiritism. The akss promotes the study and pratice of the spiritist doctrine as codified by allan kardec. The spirits book is the first book published by allan kardec. Spirits book preface introduction prolegomena youtube. With the teachings he received from higher spirits through various mediums, he wrote five books that would become the basis of the spiritist doctrine. Nos ultimos tempos, disse o senhor, derramarei o meu espirito sobre toda a carne. Chapter 2 incarnation of spirits is about why spirits incarnate in material bodies.